pyramid_fullauth 0.2.0
I've just released new version of pyramid_fullauth v0.2.0. It gained License, test were rewritten to py.test, and CSRF token handling seen major overhaul.
Also, activation page no longer gives Not Found error, after the code has been used, just displays message about token being invalid/used. This might be more meaningful for Your end users.
Full Changelog for 0.2.0
migrated tests to py.test
removed nose and lxml from test requirements
extracted UserEmailMixin from User model
validation exception improvements
set licensing to MIT License
fixed general error message for register_POST processing
activate action no longer gives 404 error after first use. Default is message about token being invalid or used [veronicazgirvaci]
- extending csrf_check predicate:
Can be turned on/off in settings.
Failed check rises 401 Unauthorised error
backward incompatibilities
token variable is changed into csrf_token in fullatuh views
view no longer returns error messages on failed csrf token. Rises 401 Unauthorised error instead.
As always, package can be found on pypi pyramid_fullauth 0.2.0