Travis-CI - continuous integration for your python project

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Tags:  continuous integration howto python

A long while ago, with help of Tomek Święcicki, I've discovered Travis-CI, a service that provides Continuous integration, to both open source, and enterprise projects, and that's quite easy to connect to Github repository.

So how does it work? First of all, you need a test suite for your project, and some command to run these tests. Then, at root level of your project, you add .travis.yaml file.

There are four required sections:

  • language - which describes what's the language used in your project.

  • python - where you define lists of python environments you want to test your package against. You can even check your package against pypy.

  • install - list of commands used to install your package's test environment. For me it's usually python develop and after that pip install package[test] which install packages required to run your tests.

  • script - the actual test suite script. I've used python nosetests, but recently I'm switching to py.test.

There's also fifth section, after_success which I use to send coverage reports to, which then reports any change back to me, and on github, if this is a merge request.


My default .travis.yaml file can be checked on my pypt repository. Where I keep templates for packages.

Whole process adding your github project to Travis-ci is as simple as login, refreshing your project's list, and simply turning it on on travis-ci pages, which in turn, turns Travis-Ci integration hook on gihub's repository settings. After that every push gets picked up by travis, and defined commands are being run.

Happy testing!

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