Configure gitlab with smtp mail server

Tags:  gitlab howto smtp

Probably one of the most desired features, when installing software to manage your git repository like gitlab, is to allow notification emails to be send. It's not the most important, but nevertheless still quite useful. And while it might be clear to people that dealt before with ruby or ruby on rails applications, it wasn't for me, and gitlab documentation hasn't mentioned it anywhere... How to configure mail sending with smtp servers!?

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Differences between Django and Pyramid routing

Tags:  django pyramid python routing

Recently I had a chance to familiarize myself with django framework. Having some experience with Pyramid (with SQLAlchemy), I can't stop myself comparing these two frameworks. The first big difference, which struck me, was routing.

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pyramid_localize, a helpful package

Tags:  i18n pyramid python

Localization, and internationalization of websites isn't easy, and neither it's easy with pyramid, although there's some nice documentation. So I prepared a package, that'll help setting most of the needed things to translate application written in pyramid framework.

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tzf.pyramid_yml 0.2

Tags:  pyramid python yaml

tzf.pyramid_yml plugin is package, that provides Your pyramid application with inherited yaml based configuration system, and I've just released 0.2 version.

You can define several environments, like production, developing, have some sensible defaults in eg. config.yml file, and have it extend based on the environment config file (eg.

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.ssh/config file

Tags:  ssh tip

The .ssh/config file allows to configure ssh aliases in quite an elegant way. Makes obsolete the need to remember full ssh server address, port, user or possibly different authentication file you'd need to pass.

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Pandoc: Convert documents between formats

Tags:  pandoc python tip tools

Here's another post from my recent migration to Nikola. On my engine, I stored posts in databse in html, but writing Nikola, I wanted to use reStructuredText format. And while I probably could leave out old posts in html, I thought it would be only for the best to find a simple way, and reformat all my posts into rst files.

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Format date for RSS/Atom

Tags:  date python rfc3339 timezone

While importing posts from my old Blog to Nikola, I considered generating a big atom feed, and import it using Nikola importers. I finally generated all post files by hand, but along the way I found how to correctly format DateTime object to match rfc3339 which is required for RSS or Atom feeds.

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Why documentation matters

Tags:  documentation open source php python

As I was researching documentation hosting options within readsky, I came across quite interesting slideshare by Mikko Ohtamaa titled Write the Docs.

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Delete all the .pyc!

Tags:  bash python tip

How to remove leftover .pyc files, when your editor doesn't provide such option? Run simple bash command.

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Welcome, Nikola

Tags:  blog nikola python

It seemed about time, I did something with my blog, since I don't do much php (if any) lately, it seemed like a neat idea to create something in python, and pyramid would be my choice since I program with it a lot for about a year now, but... well didn't had the time to implement it from scratches, because it would take a lot more time than just thinking it through.

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