sqlAlchemy speed tests on mysql-connector-python, mysqldb and oursql drivers

Tags:  mysql python sqlalchemy

Some time ago, I decided to check, how sqlalchemy will cope with different mysql drivers in terms of efficiency. At Red Sky, we used MySQLdb for all python projects, at least within our team. But MySQLdb requires mysql-client library, and does some compiling during installation.

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Howto list module's methods in python

Tags:  howto list python

I'm testing efficiency of three mysql connector libraries: mysql-connector, MySQLdb and oursql, within sqlalchemy. Took me a while to prepare basis, but after that, I began to wonder, how to make more methods, and run them, without worrying about their inclusion into testing process?

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fzBlameablePlugin 1.1.2 released

Tags:  fzBlameable php plugin symfony

fzBlameablePlugin has just seen new release. 1.1.2 this time. I fixes issue with Doctrine no translating PHP Null to SQL NULL in queries, b passing explicitly string 'NULL'. Like the last one, this fix was also created by Gábor Egyed.


fzBlameablePlugin 1.1.1 released

Tags:  fzBlameable php plugin symfony

I've just released version 1.1.1 of fzBlameable Plugin providing Blameable behaviour  for doctrine models in symfony 1.4. This package contains two fixes prepared by Gábor Egyed.

First fix adds check whether context exists. Second fix allows blameable behaviour to work as expected got user model itself and self edit profiles.


sfForkedDoctrineApplyPlugin 1.5.9

Tags:  php sfForkedDoctrineApply symfony

sfForkedDoctrineApply just got updated to new version - 1.5.9. It contains Portuguese translation created by Alan Candido, so I hope it will get useful for even more people now.

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sfForkedDoctrineApplyPlugin 1.5.8

Tags:  php sfForkedDoctrineApply symfony

New version of sfForkedDoctrineApply plugin has been released. Actually it was released twice (1.5.7 and a day later 1.5.8), because of my mistake spotted by John Kary (thanks!).

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fzTagPlugin 1.2.8

Tags:  fzTag symfony

I've just released another 8th maintenance release of 1.2.x branch of fzTagPlugin, that allows to tag models.

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fzTagPlugin 1.2.7

Tags:  fzTag php symfony

I've just released new version of fzTagPlugin, which introduces Spanish translation files created by Alex Otero.

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fzBlameablePlugin 1.1.0

Tags:  behaviour fzBlameable php symfony

About half year has pased since the release of sfDoctrineGuard 5.x. I decided, that it was the time to update default values for fzBlameable behaviour.

Since now, you don't have to chenge the created_by and updated_by field length in Behaviour definition if you run your website on sfDoctrineuard 5.x, ut you'll have to set fields length to 4, if you haven't upgraded your sfDoctrineGuard yet.

Adittionally this release allows you to change foreignAlias on relation between sfGuardUser and your blameable model.


sfForkedDoctrineApplyPlugin 1.5.6 - Spanish translation

Tags:  php sfForkedDoctrineApply symfony

New version of sfForkedDoctrineApplyPlugin has just been released. This version introduces Spanish translation files and few tweaks to the model. Because of these changes, remember to run migrations!
