How to redirect user around Your website?

Tags:  3xx fullauth http

Recently I've read quite interesting chapter of a Scalability Rules book. Well... chapter alone wasn't that interesting, but one thing struck me and seemed quite important. That is How do we redirect user while having Post-Redirect-Get flow on an asset he can create, edit.

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Deploying python packages with travis-ci

Tags:  pypi python travis

Deploying applications is tedious, so is deployin packages, no matter the package repository. For example after applying changes to codebase, the code needs to be tagged, as to not loose the point of release from sight, after that the packages needs to be built and uploaded. It's far too many commands that need to be done. One might develop some deployment scripts. Sure, but what, if we could use something else to deploy packages for us?

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pyramid_localize 0.1.0 released

Tags:  i18n pyramid python

I've just released 0.1 version pf pyramid_localize. It's stacks mostly changes I had hanging around on 0.1a*, but while rewriting tests to py.test and adding pylama checks, I made some smaller changes in code, and decided to publish it as a new version already.

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